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Lan Foan investigated the ICC

Jun 30,2022

On June 30th, Lan Fo'an, the deputy secretary of Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the governor of Shanxi province, investigated the Institute of Coal Chemistry (ICC). Yu Yingjie, the vice governor of Shanxi province, also attended.

Lan stressed that we should earnestly study and implement the important statement of Xi Jinping, the general gecretary, on scientific and technological innovation, deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy, try our best to build a first-class innovation ecology, make good use of the distinctive advantages of scientific research institutions, solidly promote scientific and technological innovation, and enable the province to promote high-quality development in an all-round way.

Lan pointed out that, as a "national team" of scientific research institutes, the main direction of ICC is highly consistent with the development needs on energy of Shanxi province. We should base on the Shanxi province, focus on the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, follow the trend of green and low-carbon development, gather and integrate resource elements, further expand the depth and breadth of scientific and technological research, strive to make more innovative breakthroughs, and make greater contributions to the transformation of Shanxi's energy industry.

Lan stressed that self-reliance in science and technology is the strategic support for national development and the mission which Shanxi province should consciously fulfill. It is hoped that all the scientific research institutes and scientific and technological workers will establish lofty ambitions, climb the scientific and technological peak bravely, strive to make greater breakthroughs in the core technical field, help scientific and technological innovation work to improve to a higher level, and inject innovative momentum into the high-quality development with all-round promotion. It is necessary to connect with the market innovation mechanism, deepen the reform of systems such as the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements and talents, knowledge value-oriented incentive, and funding management of projects, explore linking mechanisms, such as making equity as a link, promote close cooperation between various types of innovation entities in enterprises and orderly flow of innovation elements, and stimulate systematic scientific research capabilities and breakthrough capabilities of key research projects. We should speed up the integrated development of production, teaching, research and application, promote the complementary advantages and cooperation with dividing works of enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes, promote the precise connection between the innovation chain and the industrial chain, and constantly improve the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements. We should vigorously build a first-class innovation ecology, introduce and cultivate first-class innovative talents, improve the scientific and technological innovation service system, release the vitality of innovation subjects, constantly create a new situation in scientific and technological innovation, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

Fang Yitian, the director of ICC, Li Jingping, the secretary of the Party Committee and the deputy director of ICC, and Jiang Dong, the deputy director of ICC, participated in this investigation.
