CAS institutes join forces with US lab to probe clean energy |
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An international consortium for clean energy (ICCE) has recently been established, consisting of the U.S. Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) in Richland, Washington, and two CAS institutes, namely, Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry (SICC) and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics.
A protocol for collaborative exploitation of clear coal in the partnership was inked in Richland during the visit of a CAS delegation from 8 to 11 April. The agreement was singed by SICC Director SUN Yuhan and PNNL Vice Director Mike Davis.
It is expected that the inauguration of the ICCE would promote substantial cooperation between the two sides. Its first-stage enforcement includes the co-establishment of a web-site on the Internet acting as an informative platform, the periodical publication of a Quarterly Newsletter, a dialogue on intellectual patents in related technological developments and personnel exchange on specialized topics.