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The 8th International Symposium on Gas Cleaning at High Temperatures held in Taiyuan, Shanxi
Update time: 2010-09-01
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The 8th International Symposium on Gas Cleaning at High Temperatures (GCHT-8), hosted by the State Key laboratory of Coal Conversion (SKLCC) and the Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICC, CAS), was held in the Yingze Hotel, Taiyuan, Shanxi, from August 22 to 25, 2010. More than 80 delegates from China, Germany, Canada, Netherland, Australia, etc took part in this symposium.

The Symposium of GCHT-8 is of interest to engineers, scientists, and managers in the power and process industries, in advanced power generation, engine development as well as the associated research communities concerned with technology for removing or converting particulate or gaseous components. Gas cleaning at elevated temperatures is of great importance to emerging technologies for power, industrial plant for chemicals and minerals processing, incineration and also mobile power systems. Prof. Jianguo Wang, director of ICC, as the chairman of the Organizing Committee of the GCHT-8 Symposium, gave a welcome address to participants at the opening ceremony and a closing remark about the symposium at the closing ceremony. Four plenary lectures were given by Prof. Terry Wall from University of Newcastle, Dr. Sunil Sharma from CSIRO Energy Technology, Prof. Yongwang Li from ICC and Prof. Zhenyu Liu from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, respectively. 6 keynote lectures, 52 oral presentations and 15 posters were also presented in this Symposium.

On August 25, the participants visited the 160 kt/a F-T synthesis demonstration plant of Lu’an Group in Changzhi, Shanxi.

Previous GCHT symposia have been held in the UK, Germany, the USA, Japan and Australia, the next conference of GCHT-9 will be hosted by the National Energy Technology laboratory, USA.

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